Principal Investigator: Prof Chan Siew Hwa (Professor, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), NTU)
Team: Zhang Lan (Senior Scientist, Energy Research Institute @ NTU), Li Qingshan (Research Fellow, Energy Research Institute @ NTU), Miao Bin (PhD Student, MAE, NTU), Li Haiqian (Research Engineer, Energy Research Institute @ NTU), Yu Junli (Research Engineer, Energy Research Institute @ NTU), Sun Zhichao (Research Associate, Energy Research Institute @ NTU)
Mentor: Jax Lee Jiaxing (Director, Brandkit Pte Ltd)
Efficient hydrogen carrier, revolutionising the world
Based on a report by Research and Markets, there will be over 22.2 million hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on the roads by 2032. A robust and scalable hydrogen-fuelling infrastructure is necessary to support this surge in demand. Current hydrogen fuelling stations are mostly stand-alone, on-site hydrogen generation system powered by renewable powers. The costs of these systems are prohibitive and there are large safety concerns with the use of high-pressured hydrogen storage tanks.
We have developed an efficient ammonia cracking system (Acracker) to minimise hydrogen transportation, which offers a substantial economic advantage. Ammonia has a high hydrogen content (17.7 wt. %) and is simple to synthesize to obtain hydrogen. More importantly, there are existing infrastructures to store and deliver ammonia at a large scale. We believe the Acracker will play a vital role in the forthcoming energy revolution and help build a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.