Principal Investigator: Associate Prof Gwee Bah Hwee (Assistant Chair (Outreach), School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), NTU)
Team: Chong Kwen Siong (Senior Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories @ NTU), Nay Aung Kyaw (Research Associate, EEE, NTU), Ne Kyaw Zwa Lwin (Research Associate, EEE, NTU), Shreedhar Aparna Rajugopal (Intern, EEE, NTU)
Mentor: Gil Gilad (CTO, Custodio Technologies)
Hardware security solutions to protect your confidential information in your electronics
We offer security technologies to mitigate hardware attacks, ranging from side-channel-attacks (SCAs), semi-invasive attacks to reverse engineering, on application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and embedded circuits. Our technologies include advanced encryption standard (AES) crypto accelerators and camouflage library cells. The AES crypto accelerators offer high SCA resistance such that the AES crypto accelerators’ power dissipation or electromagnetic emission will not easily reveal the secret key.
The camouflage library cells protect proprietary IPs against the semi-invasive attacks and reverse engineering, mitigating the risks of IP thefts and counterfeit ASICs. Our technologies feature low area-, power-, speed-overheads compared to existing solutions. Hence, they are highly advantageous to the secured hardware, not only to banking, defence and medical applications but also to emerging internet-of-things applications. We support the hardware customisation embodying our technologies in many design platforms, including ASIC, field-programmable-gate-array and programming-based hardware realisations. Our AES crypto accelerators and the camouflage library cells @ 65nm fabrication process are available now.