Licensing terms are negotiable and vary by field of application, geographical markets, and exclusivity. Please contact the relevant licensing officer at NTUitive for more information and follow up discussion.

NTUitive does not choose which companies it licenses its technologies to. Companies must evaluate the technologies for themselves to see if they meet a business or technological challenge they are seeking to overcome.

If your technology is successfully licensed, part of the income from licensing revenues will be distributed back to the inventors, with the remaining divided between the college and NTUitive.

There is no relationship between inventor and licensee unless the inventor decides to spin off a new company to commercialise the invention. The licensing process for spinoffs is quite straightforward and is considered founder friendly.

Inventors who are keen to spinoff a company should participate in our free bootcamps to understand how to build businesses, raise capital, and develop markets for their innovations. Inventors also need to negotiate a license with NTUitive before they can commercially exploit the innovations they have developed at the university. If no spinoff is formed, and the intent is to commercialise the innovation through a third-party license, the external party (SME or MNC) will negotiate a license with NTUitive for commercial exploitation of the technology.

If the innovation is licensed to an external party, the PI will be involved in helping to transfer the technology to the licensee. If the PI intends to spin off a new company, he will be involved in building a team to run the business.

If a startup or licensee is not successful in commercialising the technology, the license will be terminated and the innovation can be licensed to another entity.

If more than one company is interested in obtaining a license, NTUitive will execute non-exclusive licenses to the parties involved.

Licensees can sign a time-limited option to test out the technology. These option agreements can be exclusive or non-exclusive.

Companies are advised to look at their business needs and/or problem statements before approaching NTUitive to see if there is a solution that fits their needs. Alternatively, the technologies available for licensing are listed on our website.